Core Data Set, an automated, user-friendly Care Capacity Demand Management dashboard, is implemented at Te Whatu Ora - Lakes.


Te Whatu Ora - Lakes is responsible for a number of health services in the Lakes district, including Rotorua and Taupo hospitals.

As a client of CBS for over 20 years, Te Whatu Ora - Lakes utilises our core products; CostPro, IntelPlus, ChargePro, FocusPro, and Hospital at a Glance.

CBS continues to work with Te Whatu Ora - Lakes operationally providing related consulting expertise.


  • The Core Data Set dashboard has enhanced and simplified monthly management reporting and submission to New Zealand Nurses Organisation

  • Provided greater visibility and use by Clinical Nurse Managers and nurses

  • Stakeholders are now seeing value in the outputs

“The Clinical Nurse Managers now use Core Data Set for their management accountability whereas, previously, they would manually look for data in various systems.

Using it to reply to an official information request, we were able to pull the data quickly and easily for the response. It provides easy access to relevant data in a standardised form – we can find the data we need easily, reporting for things like OIA requests is fast, easy and reliable.

Maria Strachan, Te Whatu Ora - Lakes, TrendCare Coordinator

Core Data Set is gold-dust for data-driven decision making. Seeing measures and trends side-by-side makes it interesting and makes TrendCare more relevant for nurses, and they can check that the data is correct.

Lakes District has gone from being near the bottom [for Care Capacity Demand Management Core Data Set] to being one of the top.”

Stuart Port, Technical Advisory Service (TAS), CCDM advisor to Lakes and other districts



Te Whatu Ora – Lakes required a dashboard to show patient acuity, staff workload, and other measures to enable good decision making for Care Capacity Demand Management (CCDM), and to report to the New Zealand Nurses Organisation (NZNO) as part of the Safe Staffing Healthy Workplaces unit.

CCDM Core Data Set is a set of measures that informs plans, reviews progress, and reports to others. Te Whatu Ora – Lakes asked CBS to implement the Core Data Set in a way that was user-friendly and imports data automatically.


CBS enabled an integrated, user friendly interface that meets business needs.

The simple Interface is a webpage of intuitive charts where users can find the data they need without technical training.

One example of the intuitive charts is distinguishing “excess” and “shortfall” instead of “variance” with red and green colours to indicate which is desirable.

Drill-down buttons and filters allow users to zoom in on one month, ward, or other selection.

Consolidating the data into one system allows filters and drill-downs to apply to all data sources, allowing individual charts to compare data from multiple systems. Automated data imports happen nightly from TrendCare, Datix, Payroll, and CostPro/IntelPlus.

With the use of our analytical platform, FocusPro, analysts from Lakes or CBS can build new dashboards and reports without help from software developers.

CCDM provides the Core Data Set measures described by the CCDM programme.

Contact us here to find out how Core Data Set can help your organisation.

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